Lara Damiens

Art Direction + Graphic Designer

➔ Art Direction
  1. Inner Love
  2. Le Lien for Juliette Laloë
  3. A Theory Of Beauty
  4. Juveniles
  5. Boring Still Life
  6. Swady
  7. Manci

Graphic Design
  1. Juliette Laloë 
  2. Seum Issue
  3. Bureau Betak for Omega
  4. Galerie Lelong & Co.
  5. Bureau +3386
  6. Mimosa
  7. Domestique
  8. TheSarahFactory
  9. Louie Bloom

➔ Store

Currently based in Paris (FR) as a multidisciplinary freelancer in Art Direction and Graphic Design, Lara Damiens mainly works on visual identity, editorial design, and 360 communication with an interest for photography, cultural events, movies and fashion.
+33 788 37 77 39

➔ About


9. Louie Bloom

➔ BRAND DEVELOPMENT, VISUAL IDENTITY / Scenography and visual communication / Aug. 2022
Client (→link) / @louie.bloom (→link)
            Louie Bloom is a new Australian brand created by the wife & husband team Lisa & Jamie. Their products are curated and designed for the home and body. They work with artisans from Morocco, Italy & Australia to create their products. This project demonstrates my skills in art direction, logos, colorimetry, patterns, typography, Instagram feed design, and stationery.

Brand card presentation A5 350g matte coated paper - digital ink


Logo and it’s different colors


Instagram feed


Packaging, stationary and patterns

Painting by hand poster A1 - Acrylique and water color paint

End product basket with logo